The Andy Griffith Show is an iconic American sitcom that aired from 1960 to 1968. It centers around the lives of the residents of the small town of Mayberry, North Carolina and its sheriff, Andy Taylor. The show is known for its wholesome humor, family-friendly themes, and strong moral values. It has become a classic television series that is widely admired and loved by fans across the world. It is remembered both for its charming characters and timeless laughs. So why not put your knowledge of this beloved classic to the test with our Andy Griffith show trivia template? See how much you remember about these beloved Mayberry characters, their witty dialogue, and the funny plots. Find out who knew the most about America's favorite town!
1) What is the name of Andy's son?
2) What is the name of Andy's Aunt?
3) What is the name of Andy's wife in the show?
4) Where is Andy's house located?
5) What color is Barney's police car?
6) What was the name of Barney's aunt?
7) What instrument does Andy play?
8) What is the name of the local guitarist in the show?
9) What is the name of the character that often appears in the show?
10) What is the name of the show's theme song?
11) What is the name of the local sheriff's deputy?
12) What is the name of the local diner?
13) What is the name of the local barber?
14) What is the name of the local bank?
15) What is the name of Andy's dog?
16) What is the name of the local hardware store?
17) Who is the mayor of Mayberry?
18) What is the name of the local schoolteacher?
19) What is the name of the local hardware store owner?
20) What is the name of the local jail?