Elf is a 2003 Christmas comedy film directed by Jon Favreau and starring Will Ferrell. The film tells the story of Buddy, an orphan raised by elves at the North Pole who discovers that he is human and journeys to New York City to find his birth father. Along the way, he faces many obstacles as he learns about the world of humans with the help of a wisecracking store manager, a love interest and an artist. Elf is a heartwarming comedy about family, friendship and the true spirit of Christmas. So dust off your elf costume, get the Christmas cookies baking, and test your knowledge on Elf with this trivia template!
1) Who is the director of the movie Elf?
2) What type of creature is Bumble in the movie Elf?
3) What type of store does Buddy The Elf work in?
4) What is the name of the elf that is Buddy's father in the movie Elf?
5) What is the name of the doctor that Buddy visits in the movie Elf?
6) What is the name of the elf that Buddy meets at Santa's first stop in the movie Elf?
7) What type of animal is the animal Buddy brings to the apartment in the movie Elf?
8) What is the name of the mall Santa in the movie Elf?
9) How does Jovie learn that Buddy is an elf in the movie Elf?
10) How does Buddy finally get to the North Pole in the movie Elf?
11) What is the name of the department store Santa in the movie Elf?
12) What kind of cookies does Buddy make for his dad in the movie Elf?
13) What job does Buddy get in the movie Elf?
14) What type of animal does Walter Hobbs keep as a pet in the movie Elf?
15) What does Jovie give to Buddy for Christmas in the movie Elf?
16) What is the name of Buddy's biological mother in the movie Elf?
17) What type of suit does Buddy wear when he first enters the office in the movie Elf?
18) What is the name of the narrator in the movie Elf?
19) What does Buddy surprise Jovie with at the end of the movie Elf?
20) Where does the movie Elf take place?