Welcome to Facebook Trivia! Do you think you know everything there is to know about the world's most popular social media platform? Take this trivia game to find out! From the platform's launch in 2004 to its currently expansive range of features and services, this quiz will have you testing your knowledge on the history, terminology, and features of Facebook. So get ready to explore the inner workings of the world's most popular social networking platform. Good luck!
1) What year did Facebook launch?
2) How many languages are available on Facebook?
3) What is the name of Facebook's headquarters?
4) What name is associated with the first version of the Facebook app?
5) Who was the first person to sign up for Facebook?
6) What is the age limit to create a Facebook account?
7) How many people used Facebook in 2020?
8) What is the name of the algorithm used in Facebook's news feed?
9) What is the name of the service used by Facebook to control the ads users see?
10) What is the name of the currency used in Facebook games?
11) What year was the "Like" button introduced?
12) What was the name of the website before it became Facebook?
13) As of 2020, what is the most popular Facebook page?
14) What is the name of the feature which shows a timeline of a user's life on Facebook?
15) What is the name of the feature which allows users to edit their profile pictures on Facebook?
16) What year was Facebook Portals introduced?
17) What is the name of the feature which helps users connect with their friends?
18) What is the name of the feature which helps users create a group on Facebook?
19) What year was Facebook created?
20) What was the name of the feature launched by Facebook which allowed users to send money to other users?