Welcome to Golden Girls Trivia! Are you a fan of the beloved, award-winning 1980s sitcom? If so, then you're in the right place! Here you'll get to test your knowledge of the show and its four iconic lead characters—Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia. From iconic catchphrases to storyline details, we'll put your "Golden Girls" expertise to the test. So, are you ready to give it a go? Let's get started!
1) What is Blanche's maiden name?
2) What type of pet did Dorothy own?
3) What is the name of Blanche's daughter?
4) Who is Sophia's brother?
5) What is Rose's hometown in Minnesota?
6) What is the name of Dorothy's ex-boyfriend?
7) What is the name of the hotel owned by Blanche?
8) What is Sophia's middle name?
9) Who played Rose's boyfriend, Miles?
10) What is the name of the coach for the Miami Dolphins?
11) What was the name of Dorothy's late husband?
12) What dish does Dorothy burn regularly?
13) What is the name of Sophia's nurse?
14) What was the name of the club Dorothy worked at?
15) What is the name of Blanche's niece?
16) What is Dorothy's profession?
17) What is Rose's least favorite food?
18) Who taught Sophia to gamble?
19) Who is Rose's daughter?
20) What was the name of Blanche's ex-fiancé?