Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series that premiered on ABC in 2005. The show focuses on Meredith Grey, a resident at the fictional Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle, Washington. The series follows the lives of the surgical interns and residents as they struggle to balance their personal lives with the demands of their medical careers. As the series has progressed, it has also explored the lives of the attending physicians, many of whom have become more prominent characters in the series. The show has featured numerous guest appearances by well-known actors, including Patrick Dempsey, Chris O'Donnell, Kim Raver, and Kate Walsh. The series has earned multiple awards and accolades for its storytelling, including a Peabody Award, Emmy Awards, and numerous Golden Globe nominations. It has become one of the most popular medical dramas of all time and has a large and passionate fan base worldwide. With its unique blend of humor, drama, and romance, Grey's Anatomy is sure to become a trivia classic.
1) What surgery did Meredith's father perform on her in season 5?
2) What is the title of the Grey's Anatomy theme song?
3) Who is the Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial?
4) Who is responsible for crashing an airplane into a freeway in season 8?
5) What is the name of the hospital in Seattle from which Meredith got her first job?
6) Who is Meredith's half-sister?
7) Name the character who was the first to die in Grey's Anatomy?
8) What did George O'Malley nickname the interns in season one?
9) What was the name of the ill-fated couple who fell in love during a surgical procedure?
10) Who is the youngest doctor in the show?
11) What is the name of the charity that Derek and Meredith set up after their wedding?
12) What is the name of the song that is used in nearly every season finale of the show?
13) What is the name of Derek's first wife?
14) What type of cancer did Stephanie Edwards get diagnosed with?
15) Who was the first intern to realize that the attendings were operating on each other in the exam room?
16) Who was the first doctor to become Chief of Surgery?
17) What is Derek's nickname for Meredith?
18) What is the name of the Chief of Surgery from the Harper Avery Foundation?
19) What is the name of the hospital where the interns go for their rotation in the fourth season?
20) What is the name of the professor who used to be in a relationship with Meredith Grey?