Naruto is an iconic Japanese manga and anime series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. It follows the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village. The series has become one of the most beloved anime of all time and has spawned countless fans, spin-off manga and anime series, video games, merchandise, and even a live-action film adaptation. With its vast array of characters, themes, and storylines, Naruto is a fascinating world that is sure to captivate any trivia enthusiast. Test your knowledge on this classic anime series with our Naruto trivia template and see how you fair against your friends!
1) Who is Naruto's father?
2) What village is Naruto from?
3) Who is Naruto's first teacher?
4) What is the name of Naruto's signature technique?
5) Who is the leader of the Akatsuki?
6) When is Naruto's birthday?
7) What type of jutsu does Naruto's teacher Jiraiya specialize in?
8) What is the name of the village hidden in the clouds?
9) Who is the leader of the Sand Village?
10) Who is Naruto's primary rival?
11) What is the name of the biju sealed inside Naruto?
12) What is the name of the head of the Uchiha clan?
13) What is the name of Naruto's signature summoning technique?
14) Who is the current Hokage?
15) What is the name of Naruto's mother?
16) What is the name of the jutsu used to share memories?
17) What is the name of the organization that Naruto joins at the end of the series?
18) What is the name of Naruto's main weapon?
19) Who is Naruto's first true friend?
20) What is Naruto's catchphrase?