Welcome to our random questions and answers trivia game! In this game, your goal is to answer as many questions as you can and prove that you have the most knowledge in this topic. Questions will range from simple in nature to more complex, as it is a game of randomness. Show off your skills by answering all of the questions with the correct answer and you may be rewarded with a victory! So get ready, buckle up, and get ready to test your knowledge. Good luck!
1) How many letters are in the English alphabet?
2) What is the atomic number of aluminum?
3) In what year did the Spanish flu pandemic occur?
4) What is the capital of Rhode Island?
5) What is the only mammal able to fly?
6) What is the fourth planet from the Sun?
7) What is the atomic number of nitrogen?
8) What is the brightest star in the sky?
9) How many legs does a spider have?
10) Who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
11) What is the capital of Canada?
12) In what year was the first Apple computer released?
13) What is the largest ocean in the world?
14) How many nations are members of the United Nations?
15) What is the capital of Australia?
16) What is the minimum number of players on a soccer team?
17) In what year was the first YouTube video uploaded?
18) What insect is known as the “king of the skies”?
19) What is the smallest country in the world?
20) How many sides does a pentagon have?