Welcome to the magical world of Shrek trivia! Test your knowledge of the beloved Dreamworks animated franchise with questions spanning the 4 films released between 2001 and 2010. Join us as we journey through the Far Far Away kingdom with ogre Shrek, princess Fiona, and a cast of hilarious supporting characters. Come back for our special edition trivia for the Broadway musical, which ran from 2008-2010. Are you ready to answer questions about Fiona’s transformation, Farquaad’s name and other fun facts from the films? Get your thinking caps on and let's go!
1) How many movies about Shrek were released?
2) What is Shrek's favorite food?
3) How many main characters appear in the Shrek franchise?
4) Who voices Shrek in the original movie?
5) What type of creature is Shrek?
6) What type of animal is Donkey?
7) Who wrote the book on which the original Shrek movie is based?
8) What color is the straw in the Witch’s hut?
9) What type of food is used to lure the Dragon?
10) What is the name of Shrek's wife?
11) What is the name of Lord Farquaad's castle?
12) Who is the villain in the Shrek 2?
13) What is the name of the Fairy Godmother?
14) What skill does Shrek lack in the original movie?
15) What does Donkey call Shrek?
16) Who did Shrek kiss in the first movie?
17) Where do Shrek and Donkey go to look for Fiona?
18) What was the donkey's wish?
19) What color is the dragon?
20) What does Shrek call Lord Farquaad?