The Sopranos is one of the most critically acclaimed television shows of all time. The show follows the story of the Italian-American mobster, Tony Soprano and his family’s life in New Jersey. The show aired from 1999 to 2007 and won 21 Emmy Awards, 5 Golden Globes, and received widespread praise for its writing and acting. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest television shows of all time. Test your knowledge with this Sopranos trivia template, to see how much you remember about the show!
1) On what year did the TV series "The Sopranos" debut?
2) In the series, who was the FBI agent assigned to Tony Soprano's case?
3) What was the name of Tony Soprano's psychiatrist?
4) Tony is the boss of which New Jersey-based crime family?
5) Tony Soprano's wife goes by what name?
6) In which U.S. state is Tony Soprano's home located?
7) On what TV network did "The Sopranos" air?
8) Who directed the series finale of "The Sopranos"?
9) What type of business was the character Paulie Walnuts involved in?
10) What instrument does Meadow Soprano play?
11) What is the name of the restaurant where Tony and his crew often meet?
12) What is the name of Tony's mother?
13) What is the name of the strip club owned by the Sopranos?
14) In what year did the series finale of "The Sopranos" air?
15) What is Silvio's real name?
16) Who played Christopher Moltisanti in the series?
17) Who played Tony Soprano's son, Anthony Soprano Jr.?
18) What type of vehicle does Tony Soprano drive?
19) What is the name of the bar Tony and his crew hang out in?
20) Who plays Carmella Soprano in the series?