Welcome to our summer trivia challenge! With the sun shining, the days getting longer, and the temperatures rising, it's time to test your knowledge of the summer season. From summer activities to summer foods, we'll have all kinds of fun questions to challenge even the most experienced summer lovers. So gather up your friends, family, and neighbors and get ready to get your summer trivia on and see who knows the most about this beloved season!
1) What is the longest day of the year?
2) On what day does the Summer Solstice typically occur?
3) What type of "bird" is often associated with summer?
4) What is the typical temperature of the warmest month of the year?
5) What season is the opposite of summer?
6) How many days in an average summer?
7) Where does severe weather such as thunderstorms and hurricanes often occur in the summer?
8) What type of footwear is typically associated with summer?
9) What type of clothing is typically associated with summer?
10) Where is the hottest temperature ever recorded?
11) What is the most popular summer activity?
12) What is the longest month of the year?
13) What is the most popular summer fruit?
14) What color is typically associated with summer?
15) What is the warmest ocean?
16) What type of insect is typically associated with summer?
17) What type of flower is typically associated with summer?
18) What bird is typically associated with summertime?
19) What type of beverage is typically associated with summer?
20) What time of day sees the highest temperatures?