Welcome to Tokyo, the vibrant, bustling capital of Japan! Tokyo is one of the most renowned cities in the world, home to vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and awe-inspiring architecture. There are numerous attractions to explore, from the bustling streets of Shinjuku to the peaceful atmosphere of the parks and temples scattered throughout the city. With so much to see and do, it’s no wonder Tokyo is a favorite destination for visitors from around the world. Test your knowledge of the city and its many intriguing secrets by answering our Tokyo trivia questions. Who knows, you may even learn something new!
1) What is the oldest temple in Tokyo?
2) In which park can you spot wild monkeys?
3) Which of the following is NOT located in Tokyo?
4) What is the busiest railway station in the world?
5) What color is the Shinkansen train?
6) What kind of cuisine is sushi?
7) What type of river runs through Tokyo?
8) What is Tokyo’s most recognizable landmark?
9) What is the capital of Japan?
10) What kind of animals can you find at Ueno Zoo?
11) How many official districts make up Tokyo?
12) When did the Tokyo Olympics take place?
13) What is the official language of Tokyo?
14) What is the coldest month in Tokyo?
15) What is the transportation system in Tokyo called?
16) What is the most populous city in Japan?
17) When did the first Shinkansen service open?
18) What is the tallest building in Tokyo?
19) What is the national flower of Japan?
20) How many imperial families have resided in the Tokyo Imperial Palace?