Tom and Jerry, the classic cartoon duo, have been delighting fans since 1940, making them one of the world's most beloved cartoon creations of all time. The comedic adventures of the always-feuding Tom, a house cat, and Jerry, a pesky mouse, have been entertaining children and adults alike for generations. Through their zany cartoon escapades, Tom and Jerry have taught us the important lessons of friendship, loyalty, and perseverance. With over 200 animated theatrical shorts and a host of related shows and products, Tom and Jerry remain one of the most beloved cartoon characters of all time. Test your knowledge and see how much you know about this classic cat and mouse duo with this fun Tom and Jerry trivia template!
1) What is Tom's full name?
2) What is Jerry's full name?
3) What type of animal is Tom?
4) What type of animal is Jerry?
5) What is the favorite food of Tom?
6) What is the favorite food of Jerry?
7) Who are the main characters of the Tom and Jerry series?
8) Who is the creator of the Tom and Jerry series?
9) Which of the following is the title of a Tom and Jerry episode?
10) Where does Tom and Jerry series take place?
11) What is Tom's arch enemy?
12) What is Spike's full name?
13) Who is Tom's love interest in the show?
14) Who is Jerry's love interest in the show?
15) What job does Tom have?
16) What weapon does Tom use in the series?
17) What is the main catchphrase of Tom?
18) What is the main catchphrase of Jerry?
19) What color is Tom?
20) What color is Jerry?