Once you are logged in to your account, go to Deploy >> Survey Token >> Anonymous Token and click on the Add button provided.
It will open a Add Anonymous Survey Token pop-up where you can enter the required details such as token name, segment for which you want to create the token, select the survey for which you want to create the token, enter the timeframe start-date end-date for which you want the token to be active along with other details and click on Save button.
It will add the anonymous token to the tokens list.
Click on the Bulk Add button provided within the Anonymous tokens. It will open a pop-up where you can download an Excel file format to upload the anonymous survey tokens in bulk.
Yes, using the Download button provided in the platform you can download details of all the anonymous tokens present in the account. It will be downloaded in Excel file format with a dedicated column for the token URL.
You can edit, or delete a survey token using the provided action buttons along with the survey token.
You can go into Raw Data to view the responses collected through anonymous link. In the Raw data, you will see the responses with the external reference Survey_Token.
No. If you edit or delete the token the previously collected responses will remain stored in the raw data.