When your respondents answer any survey, their IP address is stored along with location data for additional insights. IP based location data tracking can be used to gate respondents based on logic or analyze data based on location. However, for privay protection and based on your needs, you can disable IP based location tracking for your account.
When respondents answer any survey, their IP address is captured and stored along with their response. Based on their IP address, we use maxmind geo-coding to find out location data like, country, region, longitured, latitude, radius. This information is stored along with the response data for each response. You can view this data under responses and this data is also included when you export raw data for your survey.
Go to: My Surveys (Select Survey) » Analytics » Dashboard » Responses Here you can view IP based location data.By default, IP based location tracking is enabled for all accounts. To disable IP based location data collection and tracking,
Go to: My Account (Top right corner) In the drop down, select Global Settings Under Survey Settings, switch off the toggle for IP based location tracking.To disable IP based location data collection for your organization, on the surveys list page,
Go to: Organization » Settings and click on the Settings button.This feature is available with the following licenses :